Our Vision
Return an actual proper YOUTH BASEBALL DIAMOND to the East Side of Richmond. Ideally one with, at min, an AT Infield similar to what is being built in many sectors around the Lower Mainland and Pacific Northwest. Most recent one is probably at Hillcrest Park in Vancouver. Just feel this could advance the game so much more for those that are taken to playing it given the current state of "volunteerism" in youth sport.. (NOTE: RICHMOND BASEBALL has committed to underwrite a portion of the needed cost - in a working partnership with the City of Richmond and Richmond Sports Council - to put this effort into reality).
Help establish a healthy Little League program playing out of Richmond.. While this effort began in 2017, much work yet has to be done in order to “build a compelling story” for the City of Richmond and the local BC Minor affiliate, RCBA. Bottom line, is the long held belief by TDC and others that the game and those wanting to engage in it can better be served by having participants play on fields and rules that best suit their skill level......and not just their age or league affiliation requirements....Extremely happy to say, that with the open minds in 2022 and 2023 of the leadership group overseeing RCBA, this effort once again began to get legs and we’re excited about where it can continue to grow!
To once again support the “JUST PLAY BALL PROGRAM” run by The Dugout Club….To that end, the once free program was reintroduced in 2023 in working with BASEBALL BC with the changes being that paid Instructors were brought into the mix as well as an “Instructional League” component where participants will also play games at Brighouse Park (under the lights) when enough players are available. Coaches will work with ALL players and the teams would be different from week to week. Details are under the “Our Programs” section of this website.
Have Richmond represent B.C. at (at least) the LL Provincials one year, and then moving along to the Canadian LL Championships enroute to the Little League Worlds Series… Many will “scoff” at the premise of this. But, of course, that’s why I’ve put it on the “Goal” list…. As stated recently, “You never know how good you can be, until you fail”.